Monday, 14 July 2014


What a surprise! Zeee Germans overpowered a number of nations in a global battle to rise to the top and dominate (sometimes obliterate) through efficiency and strength.. Oh..and they also won the World Cup!

Now that the World Cup is over, the world will resume it's cynical overview of terrible human events taking shape all across the hot spots that are suffering from the likes of the 1916 instigated Sykes-Picot unravelling, continued belligerence in the Levant and rising China tensions. The dangerous and potentially destructive game of chess continues amidst the globe's top powers.

We shall explore, intermittently (we all need some time-off!) during the summer lull all this great world has to offer and, with some gladly received feedback, write shorter but more frequent pieces.

Watch this space....
Hani Kobrossi

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